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What is Praise Kink?

BDSM beginner fetish fetish Fetish Friday

What is Praise Kink?

You’re doing a great job.

It feels good to hear, doesn’t it? 

It can feel especially good to hear in the bedroom. If you agree, try exploring the praise kink. People with a praise kink have a sexual response to compliments, praise, encouragement, and recognition.

Why It Works 

You may be thinking but wait, everyone loves being praised! But the praise kink goes further than just that nice feeling you get when someone compliments you. Compliments in general won’t elicit a sexual response — it depends on the context and situation. 

The praise kink can work hand in hand with BDSM and other kinds of fetishes, and there’s actually even some science behind the praise kink. Positive reinforcement and compliments light up the reward centers in the brain. It’s gratifying to know that what you’re doing in the bedroom is working.  

Do You Have A Praise Kink? 

Picture you and your partner getting hot and heavy. Now imagine hearing them tell you what an amazing job you’re doing, how incredible you are, and how sexy you look while pleasing them. If that turns you on, you probably have a praise kink. 

Or, think about your past sexual experiences and sexual fantasies. Did positive reinforcement that you were doing a good job turn you on?

Many people may not even know that they have a praise kink because they haven’t tried it. Or, maybe you’ve already been incorporating the kink into your sex life without even realizing it! If you tend to be a people pleaser and seek that validation, try incorporating more dirty talk and praise in your sex life. To have the best sex possible, be vocal with your partner about what turns you on

How To Tap Into A Praise Kink 

If you or your partner has a praise kink, it’s important to know how to tap into it. It isn’t roleplay — the praise has to be sincere to really get the recipient turned on. Compliments before, during, and after sex can do the trick and so can dirty talk. 

Here are some common phrases to try:

  • “Good girl” or “good boy”
  • “I love the way you…”
  • “You feel so good when…”
  • “You make me feel so good when you…”
  • “You’re so good at…”

Praise doesn’t always have to be verbal — try actions like kissing your partner’s forehead and admiring their body. Don’t hold back from moaning, either! Knowing your partner is pleased can be enough in itself. If you’re on the receiving end of compliments, let your partner know how much you enjoy their words and noises of affirmation. 

No matter what your kink is, we have plenty of sex toys, lingerie, games, and much more to enhance your sex life. Stop into one of our Boudoir Noir stores in Fort Wayne or Evansville or shop online.

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