Have you ever created a sexual bucket list? Putting together a list of things that you want to try in the bedroom is a great way to invigorate your sexual passion and increase your creativity.
Doing this list with your partner is a bonding experience that will bring you closer together and ramp up your sex life. In fact, you’ll probably find that even the act of writing a sex bucket list will turn both of you on.
Your sex bucket list, or bedroom bucket list if you’re a fan of alliteration, should be comprised of all of the sexual fantasies that you’ve ever wanted to try. If you’re not sure what those are, doing some research with your partner could be another fun and sexy activity.
To make it easy, start the list off with something simple to accomplish, like having sex in another room of your house or trying a toy that both of you would enjoy. As you begin to list things, more and more ideas will come to mind. Once you’ve made the list, it’s time to start checking things off of it!
Here’s how to check off your bucket list items in 2022:
- Commit to setting the mood and being fully present in the bedroom
Maybe things have slowed down as you’re enjoying a break this holiday season, but it’s important to keep the commitment to sex alive when life gets busy. One thing to try as we move into the new year is eliminating distractions and vowing to be completely present when you and your partner are together, especially in the bedroom. Turning your bedroom into a sanctuary and setting the mood for romance with candles and dim lights will help. Put away the devices too, so you can focus on each other and not the screens.
- Flirt with your partner about the items on your list
Turn your partner (and yourself) on by sending them spicy messages throughout the day specific to the items on your list or their list. If one of your list items is to devour each other on the kitchen counter, tell them how you’re going to be waiting when they get home. Get creative with the dirty talk and get ready to get busy that night!
- Set a timeframe goal to complete each list item
On the surface, you might not think it’s romantic to set a timestamp on your bedroom bucket list items, but hear us out. When it comes to other areas of your life, setting a deadline makes you more likely to reach your goal, right? So why not give it a try with your sex life? If you have 12 things on your list, shoot for one per month. If you can both commit to the time-sensitive notion, you will be likely to make your sexual bucket list a priority.
- Pop into one of our three locations or visit us online
For all of your sexual fantasies, we’ve got your back. Whether you’re looking for position aids, toys, fetish supplies, or more, we have a wide selection to meet your needs. We have three locations in Indiana; two in Fort Wayne and one in Evansville. For more discreet shopping, our website is always open and we ship anywhere in the USA!