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What is Erotica?

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What is Erotica

Erotica is a fun word to say (try saying it out loud) with an even more fun meaning. Erotica refers to any type of artistic work that has a sexual subject matter — but most people think of it as a genre of literature where the story is sexually explicit. 

To put it into perspective, imagine a porn video turned into a written story.

Erotic fiction can be novels or short stories. People of all genders enjoy reading erotica, though it’s thought to be more popular among women. The subject matter can vary from sexually suggestive to hardcore, X-rated scenes — there really is something for everyone! 

As with pornography, your preferences for erotica might be different than those of your partner or friends. Regardless of what you and your partner each like, there are many ways to incorporate erotica into your sex life. 

  • Read erotica stories together as foreplay 

One great way to incorporate erotica into your sex life is to read short stories or particularly steamy scenes from a novel together to start off your foreplay, similar to how you might watch porn together. Let the stories set the mood and get your passion going.

  • Set the mood for a solo session 

Switch up your masturbation routine with a short story, either in print or via audiobook. This is a great way for both penis and vulva owners to explore a new side of their sexuality and bring the creative centers of the brain into the equation for a steamier orgasm.

  • Use it when you need an extra boost of sexual energy

Let’s face it: You may not always be in the mood at the same time your partner is. That’s perfectly normal and completely okay. If you want to boost your libido, it can help to read erotica alone to get yourself in the mood before having sex with your partner.

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