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Backroom Blog — Electro Sex

Product Review: Zeus ElectroSex Twilight Wand

BDSM beginner fetish Electric Play Electric Stim

Product Review: Zeus ElectroSex Twilight Wand

The ElectroSex Twilight Wand is similar to the Neon Wand from Kinklab, this is a great multipurpose electro-stimulation wand that can be used anywhere on the body! With numerous attachments to add as well, there is no limit to what you can do!


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Fetish 101: Exploring Common Fetishes 

BDSM beginner fetish Electro Sex electrosex

Fetish 101: Exploring Common Fetishes 

“You’re into WHAT?”

That’s something you’ll never hear when you walk into the door of Boudoir Noir. We understand your likes and dislikes, and would never judge or stigmatize you for what turns you on. 

But, overwhelmingly, there's a shadow of judgement that often surrounds the conversation on fetishes. This is something that we are working to change, and we believe that education is the key to that mission’s success. With that being said, hop on in and let’s talk about all things fetishes! 

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