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How to Prepare for Anal Sex

anal anal lube Anal Plug Anal Sex

How to Prepare for Anal Sex

So, you’ve been thinking about trying anal sex? Fun! We’re here to help answer some questions and crush any fear you might have about anal sex. 

Anal sex is one of those bedroom beasts that isn’t talked about very much, but it can be a point of pleasure for all who engage regardless of sex or gender identity. As such, think of everything we talk about here as gender neutral. Everyone can benefit from this information! 

If you’re nervous for your first time, that’s normal. There’s always a level of uneasiness that comes with trying something new in the bedroom. 

So sit back, relax, and let’s talk all about how to prepare for anal sex. 

Learn about it 

Great news: You’re currently reading this blog post, so you’re already on your way to checking this one off your list! To help remove some of the mystery surrounding anal sex, it’s a good idea to do your research. Turn to reputable sources to get your questions answered about topics like anal orgasms so you feel comfortable going into the experience. Note: Porn is typically not the best place to learn about anal sex. 

Talk to your partner about it

Before trying anything new, it’s important to talk to your partner to set expectations and get any of your worries out in the open. Before trying anal for the first time, be sure to talk about what position(s) you’d like to try, where your comfort levels lie, and the need to go slowly. Make sure you understand each other's expectations and that you both feel comfortable moving forward.

Get plenty of safe lube 

Anal-safe lube is a must for any type of anal play! Whether you’re warming up with a butt plug or going all the way, lube is key. Unlike the vagina, the anus does not produce a natural lubricant, so you must provide one. We highly recommend lubricants specifially designed for anal play. Generally, you want to stay away from anything flavored because it can cause irritation. 

Remember to use protection 

Protection isn’t just used to prevent unwanted pregnancy — it’s there to keep you safe from sexually trasmitted diseases, too. Therefore, protection should always be used during anal sex. Protection also helps keep things sanitary. 

Clean up down there before and after 

In order to ensure anal sex is as safe for both you and your partner as possible, thoroughly clean the anus both before and after. Warm water and gentle soap work, though douches and enemas are an option, too, if you want to be extra careful. 

Try a finger first  

When you’re ready to try anal for the first time, be sure to warm up with either your toys or your partner’s finger(s). This helps you to relax the anal muscles. This will make it easier to comfortably allow your partner’s penis or strap-on to enter you. Remember when we mentioned protection? You can also protect your fingers by using finger cots, rubber gloves, or a condom to keep things sanitary.

Start with a small toy 

Not all toys are created equal. When you’re thinking about trying anal sex, be sure to start with a toy specifically designed for anal play. Anal toys have a wide base that prevent them from entering the anal cavity where they could get stuck or lost. Most anal toys are also tapered, allowing you to start small and work your way up as you get comfortable. 

Know that anal sex should never hurt 

While it may be uncomfortable your first time or the first few times, anal sex should never cause you a lot of pain. If it does, stop immediately. It likely means you went too fast or too deep too quickly. Always listen to your body. 

For all of your anal play and other bedroom needs, Boudoir Noir has everything you need. Visit one of our three locations in Indiana, or shop our online boutique.

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