Informational: Sensation Play
BDSM beginner fetish fetish 101 fetish for beginners

BDSM beginner fetish fetish 101 fetish for beginners
BDSM beginner fetish Electro Sex electrosex
“You’re into WHAT?”
That’s something you’ll never hear when you walk into the door of Boudoir Noir. We understand your likes and dislikes, and would never judge or stigmatize you for what turns you on.
But, overwhelmingly, there's a shadow of judgement that often surrounds the conversation on fetishes. This is something that we are working to change, and we believe that education is the key to that mission’s success. With that being said, hop on in and let’s talk about all things fetishes!
50 Shades 50 Shades of Grey BDSM beginner fetish
BDSM beginner fetish fetish fetish 101
Role Play: The Basics ~ Have you ever fantasized about being handcuffed by a police officer? How about dressing up to play a part that’s different from your own life? Maybe you’ve pretended you’re someone else, or even that your partner is a celebrity? That is role play!! Role play is something many people think about, but are not sure how to approach the topic with their partner, let alone officially add it in to their intimate routine. Role play can be best defined by wooing your partner, or reenacting a scenario that brought you feelings of arousal in the...